Your Wellbeing at University

In this webinar series we connect with Aberystwyth University who will introduce the key topics around your successful wellbeing at University. Wellbeing Practitioners, Accessibility Advisers and current students will discuss 4 key topics focusing on your preparation, lifestyle, friendships and general wellbeing.

Each webinar will begin by exploring the topic (e.g. lifestyle), the ‘challenges’ surrounding this linking into real student case studies, and what helps to overcome these challenges.

This is a great chance for Year 12 & 13 students (and equivalent) to listen, view and connect with Wellbeing practitioners at University. There will be lots of opportunities to ask questions and to find out about successful wellbeing at University.

The format is accessible, friendly, informative and participative.

21 June, 17:00-18:00 (UK Time)

Webinar 1 – “Your Wellbeing at University…Preparing to Go”

28 June, 17:00-18:00 (UK Time)

Webinar 2 – “Your Wellbeing at University…Lifestyles”

5 July, 17:00-18:00 (UK Time)

Webinar 3 – “Your Wellbeing at University…Friendships”

12 July, 17:00-18:00 (UK Time)

Webinar 4 – “Your General Wellbeing at University”

We look forward to connecting with you