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right4me History – Insights Into University Modules & The Learning Experience With Dr Hugh Doherty From University of East Anglia & Professor Stephen Bowd From The University of Edinburgh

19th October 2023 @ 15:45 - 16:45

Register here






right4me is a series of subject specific webinars for Year 12 & 13 students, and equivalent. The sessions support students’ current studies and interests by giving an insight into curriculum areas covered in university modules. In addition, by hearing from 2 universities for 30 minutes each, students will appreciate how the further study of History can vary between institutions, contributing to the depth of their HE research and assisting informed decision making.

In this session we will be joined by two universities, including University of East Anglia and The University of Edinburgh, who will begin by exploring the fascinating academic content of their History degrees.

Each university will then offer an insight into the teaching and learning experience related to their modules and to their History degrees more generally.

The respective talks and speakers will appear below when confirmed. There will be time and opportunity for participation and questions.

  • The University of Edinburgh: Professor Stephen Bowd, Deputy Head of History, provides you with an overview of what studying History at Edinburgh looks like. In only 30 minutes he covers everything from the degree programmes offered to specific essays, exams, and dissertation examples. Stephen will be happy to answer your questions at the end of the session.


  • University of East Anglia: We will be joined by Dr Hugh Doherty, Lecturer in Medieval History in the School of History. Introducing a popular second year module, Dr Hugh Doherty will discuss Love & Desire in The Early Twelfth Century which explores the impact of romance and lust on the lives of women and men in an age of castles and knights. Having offered a brief insight into the varied academic content undergraduate History students enjoy at UEA, Hugh will then move on to discuss how they learn and are supported throughout their degrees.



Our events are designed so that a group of students can take part from a classroom or students and teachers can take part as individuals, either from school or from home. This means that sessions will continue irrespective of possible school closures.

As a live, participative event, this session will not be recorded but slides and other resources will be shared after the event, where available.


Suitable for: Year 12 & 13 students (and equivalent) studying, or with a possible interest in studying, History and related disciplines.

Preparation/Pre-Reading: Students may wish to consider the content of the talks and questions they may have. Students can also think about questions they have about studying History at university level.

The IT Setup: The event will be run on Bluejeans (similar to Zoom) and participants will be able to join using laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. If you are joining as a school group, we recommend connecting with one device and projecting on to a whiteboard. You will be able to interact with the university via a microphone and/or typed comments and questions. Full details will be sent to those who have registered (see below) prior to the event.

Booking a Place: This is free for schools and colleges and their students. If you would like to take part in this event, please register your interest using the link to the registration form below:


Register here



19th October 2023
15:45 - 16:45
Event Categories: