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Maths/Statistical Science: The Statistics of (Bad) Luck with Dr Elinor Jones from University College London

7th March 2017 @ 14:00 - 15:00


Are some people born lucky while the rest of us are blighted with bad luck? Or is this just a figment of our imagination?

In this session, we will investigate examples of what seems like persistent bad luck. But is it really bad luck, or is something else going on? We’ll see how statistics can help us to untangle our perception of luck from reality, and reveal some surprising results in the process.

During the session Dr Jones will also be able to talk to students about studying at UCL and, more generally, in London if students wish to explore this.

Suitable for: Year 12 Most Able students. This lecture is of particular relevance to students studying Mathematics.

Preparation/Pre-reading: There is no pre-reading or preparation required for this session. Students may like to consider questions surrounding the subject matter and studying this at university.

Lecturer Profile: Dr Elinor Jones

The IT Setup: The setup is similar to Skype, using a pc and webcam, although students take part as a group with the image projected on a whiteboard rather than as individuals in front of lots of pcs. Dedicated videoconferencing equipment is also compatible if available to the school. We will work with your IT department to ensure everything is set up and working prior to the event. The sessions are generally limited to 3 or 4 schools to maintain the interactive nature of the experience.

Booking a Place: If you have a group that you would like to take part in this event, please contact us via email or by using the contact form on the right of this page. We will book your place subject to availability.


7th March 2017
14:00 - 15:00
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