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Languages (MFL & English): An Introduction to Pragmatics with Manuel Lagares, Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham
1st April 2019 @ 13:00 - 13:45
How Our Language and Our Culture Influence The Way We Perceive Reality: The Case of English and Spanish (An Introduction to Pragmatics)
In this interactive webinar, Manuel Lagares, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, will provide an introduction to both intercultural competence and pragmatics.
He will address, for example, situations in which a sentence does not mean what it literally says; or when we know the grammar of a language but not its courtesy rules and we constantly incur pragmatic errors.
This webinar will help students to reflect on several cultural and linguistic aspects that most will not have considered; hopefully a quite revealing session.
The session will be delivered in English with some references to Spanish, but no knowledge of Spanish is required.
Students will collaborate in pairs or small groups to answer the questions asked by the lecturer. It allows for a lot of interaction lecturer-student and student-student (whenever possible).
Suitable for: Year 12s and Year 13s studying or thinking about studying Languages (MFL and English).
Lecturer Biography (Please Click): Manuel Lagares
Preparation/Pre-Reading: There is no preparation or pre-reading required for this session.
The IT Setup: The setup is similar to Skype, using a pc and webcam, although students take part as a group with the image projected on a whiteboard rather than as individuals in front of lots of pcs. Dedicated videoconferencing equipment is also compatible if available to the school/college. We will work with your IT department to ensure everything is set up and working prior to the event. The sessions are generally limited to 3 to 5 schools to maintain the interactive nature of the experience.
Booking a Place: This is free for schools and colleges. Invitations to this event will be sent to schools and colleges by the University of Nottingham. Following an invitation, if you have a group of students that you would like to take part in this event, please click here
Subject to availability we will book a place for you.