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insight4me Climate Change: Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Effective Action With University of Glasgow

4th March 2020 @ 14:00 - 15:00



In this insight4me Climate Change webinar for schools and colleges, three different academic disciplines from University of Glasgow will each have roughly 20 minutes to deliver a punchy, ‘micro’ talk within an overall session theme of Interdisciplinary Perspectives On Effective Climate Action. The departments will use the time to convey the key points of their arguments and case studies for the Year 12/Year 13 students.

Through the discussion, the departments are also encouraged to provide an insight into the teaching and learning experience of these topic at university.

Full details of the 3 disciplines and their talks will be posted below once confirmed.

  • Stewart White from Life Sciences will present Environmental Damage and Remediation: Not Just a Modern Day Phenomenon? Human activities damaging the environment are an extremely high profile issue and perhaps more so with the upcoming COP26 meeting in Glasgow.  Are these issues a relatively recent development, going back only a couple of hundred years in human history or have we been guilty of crimes against the planet for much longer than that?
  • Yalinu Poya from Chemistry will discuss Feeding The World With Catalysis Ammonia is a key ingredient in the fertilisers which are used to grow food to feed 3 billion people annually.  Since 1913 the Haber-Bosch catalytic process has been used to produce the world’s ammonia BUT this process uses 1-2% of the world’s energy and contributes 1.2% of CO2 emissions every year. By changing the catalyst in the Haber-Bosch process, we can improve the efficiency of the process, reduce the amount of energy used and the CO2 produced, and move towards a more sustainable means of feeding the planet with fewer problems contributing to climate change.
  • Charlotte Slaymark  from Geoscience will ask the question Mitigating Climate Change – What Can Geoscientists Do? Action is required to mitigate climate change and geoscientists are well equipped to take on the challenge. Geoscientists are an essential part of working out; How will climate change in the future, and what are the impacts on ecosystems, livelihoods and natural hazards?

Students will have the chance to question each speaker and/or offer their own ideas.


Suitable for: All Year 12 and 13 students.

Preparation/Pre-Reading: Students may wish to consider the topic and discuss some of the key elements in advance. Students can also think about questions they have about studying at university level.

The IT Setup: The setup is similar to Skype, using a pc and webcam, although students take part as a group with the image projected on a whiteboard rather than as individuals in front of lots of pcs. Dedicated videoconferencing equipment is also compatible if available to the school. Further details are here: Connecting in to a Channel Talent Event (Please Click)

We will work with your IT department to ensure everything is set up and working prior to the event. The sessions are generally limited to 3 to 5 schools to maintain the interactive nature of the experience. In this event there will be three groups of schools taking part increasing the opportunity to participate.

Booking a Place: This is free for schools and colleges. If you have a group of students that you would like to take part in this event, please click here 

Subject to availability we will book a place for you.