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HE Guidance: Parents’ Guide to Higher Education With Susan Stokes-Chapman and Lily Wearden From Aberystwyth University

4th November 2020 @ 18:00 - 19:00



This session will briefly cover the UCAS Process – the applicable dates from original deadline to clearing, the form itself, etc, before moving on the broader subject of Student Finance:

  • Session will initially explain the Student Funding system.
  • It will explain the elements of University life that are funded, namely the Tuition Fees and Maintenance.
  • It will explain how SFE and SFW contribute to paying for these costs through loans and grants.
  • We’ll look at Scholarships, and how to search for them, and what they can offer.
  • We’ll look at what other financial assistance is available to students.
  • We’ll also look at the matter of budgeting for university – when do loans/grants/scholarships/bursaries arrive, and what do we pay for – the contribution and knowledge of the student ambassadors will be vital for this element.

The session will then move on to explain what students can expect under COVID, looking at issues such as value for money, safety, etc, head on, to help put parents/guardians at ease.

A Student Ambassador will be asked how much their parents/guardians understood about university, and how they feel now they are a student living away from home. The SA will also explain what it’s like being a current student under COVID regulations.

Participants can interact through a poll and in Q&A session at the end.


Suitable for: Parents and Guardians of students who are considering university, who are not familiar with the process and what exactly is involved in HE at university level.

Preparation or Pre-Reading: There is no preparation required although participants may like to consider questions they may have about applying for, and studying at, university.

The IT Setup: The event will be run on Bluejeans and participants will be able to join using laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. You will be able to interact with the university via a microphone and/or typed comments and questions. Full details will be sent to those who have registered (see below) prior to the event.

Booking a Place: This Event Is Now Fully Booked.  If you would like to view a recording of the event, please access the link below to Aberystwyth’s excellent online resources hub, allowing a few days for the recording to be processed:



4th November 2020
18:00 - 19:00
Event Category: