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Engineering/Mathematics: Rocking, hunting, and shimmying; why mathematics is so important in engineering with Professor John Hogan from The University of Bristol

25th February 2016 @ 14:00 - 15:00


This event is part of The University of Bristol’s virtual open day live from its Engineering Mathematics Department.

This interactive webinar/videoconference is for Year 12 and 13 students. Schools can take part in as many or as few of the webinar events during the day as they would like (See other events). Sponsored by Bristol, there is no costs to schools.

Bristol would also like to record this session with the possibility of including clips on their website. Please be aware of this when signing up.

Details of this session are as follows:

Professor John Hogan Rocking, hunting, and shimmying; why mathematics is so important in engineering.
This session will demonstrate the relevance of mathematics to engineering. I will take several everyday examples (railways, motor bicycles) and combine them with cutting edge research in the nuclear and aerospace industries to show how simple models can shed light on modern engineering challenges. Students will be led through each example, and encouraged to propose approaches to the problems, possible solutions and ways of implementing some of these solutions in real life. The expected benefits are: 1) to realise that mathematics is above all useful, 2) to re-energise students who may be flagging in their studies and 3) to challenge students to consider careers in engineering.

Please do get in touch if you have a group that would like to take part. Availability will be limited to four schools.


25th February 2016
14:00 - 15:00
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