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COP26 Psychology: Climate Change & Behaviour Change With Dr Jordan Harold From University of East Anglia

12th November 2021 @ 10:30 - 11:00



The climate is changing – why aren’t we?

Despite wide recognition that climate change poses a major threat, people are yet to adapt their lifestyles at the scale needed. What influences our everyday behaviours that contribute to climate change? What can be done to enable people to adopt more climate-friendly behaviours?

Join Jordan Harold from UEA’s School of Psychology for a look at how people think and make decisions and the impact this could have on our collective response to climate change.

Lecturer Profile (Please Click): Dr Jordan Harold


This session is part of UEA’s COP26 series, exploring links between different fields of study and issues relating to the environment and climate change. COP26 is the name of the UN Climate Change Conference taking place in Glasgow from 31 October – 12 November 2021.

For further details about this great series and to see other COP26 events on offer from UEA, please click below:

Our events are designed so that a group of students can take part from a classroom, or students and teachers can take part as individuals, either from school or from home. This means that sessions will continue irrespective of possible school closures.

As a live, participative event, this session will not be recorded but access to slides and other relevant resources will be given, where possible.

Suitable for: Key Stage 4 & Key Stage 5 students studying or with an interest in studying Psychology, and related subjects. Teachers and members of school staff, as always, are welcome too and participants can join as individuals from school/college or home, or as a group from school/college.

Preparation/Pre-Reading: Students are asked to consider some of the key issues and any questions they might like to ask during the session.

The IT Setup: The event will be run on Bluejeans and participants will be able to join using laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. If you are joining as a school group, we recommend connecting with one device and projecting on to a whiteboard. You will be able to interact with the university via a microphone and/or typed comments and questions. Full details will be sent to those who have registered (see below) prior to the event.

Booking a Place: This is free for schools and colleges.  If you would like to take part in this event, please register your interest using the link to the registration form below:



12th November 2021
10:30 - 11:00
Event Categories:
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